Sunday, March 6, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 - A picture of your night

I kind of used stock photos, but my night was not all that exciting tonight, and honestly I loved it...(other than the bills part...)

Went over some bills...(being a grown up is HIGHLY overrated)

Did some laundry...

Cooked food for mom (she had foot surgery last week, and she can only stand for so long)...this picture was on the way from the store to the house...I forgot to take pictures of the finished product!  I made taco salad...

Caught up on some reading...

I never said it was Mensa material...but hey, I enjoy it.  Plus, I can't find my book at the moment.  (BTW...shameless plug for my current reads: Wade Rouse's "At Least In The City Someone Would Hear Me Scream" and "Confessions of a Prep School Mommy Handler".  I have literally laughed out loud at parts.)  

And to wrap up the evening...crying my eyes out to DVR'd episodes of Secret Millionaire and Coming Home.  (And loving the start of a new season of Army Wives in between!)  Pass the Kleenex!! (It's just beyond the remote...*sniffle*)


Karen said...

So I'm curious where this photo challenge comes from?? Just curious. I am doing a totally different sort of photo challenge but hey, they're all good.

Jolene said...

I got it from a friend on fb. I'll email you the list if you want! I'm behind, I need to get Day 5 done, but it's a tough one!