Sunday, December 19, 2010

Whipped Up in a Frenzy...

Since being unemployed, there are 3 things I've been able to do a lot of: rest, knit/crochet and go to the gym.

My friend ITGD saw Bailey's birthday hat and requested a version for HIS 5 year old, Livy.  I didn't take pictures of it, so imagine Bailey's hat w/o the funky teeny white stripes.  :)  Just the big ones, pink, white, orange, repeat.

I have had the yarn and pattern for what seems like FOREVER to do a hat for my dear friend Samantha (who doesn't know her hat is done and coming yet) and it is finally off the needles.  Pictured below!

Then, since I was actually able to whip out ITGD's daughter's hat in time, he asked if I could do a beanie for his sister in law, who just finished breast cancer treatments and is bald as a cue ball.  Oh, and by the way, she's a huge Denver Bronco's fan...think you can whip something up by Christmas?  Good thing I can crochet like the wind, and the pattern was nice and easy!!!

I was truly excited to do this one for ITGD's sister in law...anything for a chemo cue ball!!!  :)

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